Q1: Do we need to consider if the input is not an int or float?
A: Not for this exam.

Q2: Do we have to write a call for 3 gramsounces, or is that just an example. A: Good catch. Yes, 3 gramsounces exactly. The “for example” referred to “at the Python prompt”, NOT the amount in the call.

Q3b: Do we assume pytest has already been imported? A: If you need to import it, write the import statement you need.

3b) Will I be marked off for spaces in my code if I ran out of room on the line? A: Not if your intent is clear. (Make a note, or use an arrow to indicate where the text “should have been”)

3b) Can we write the code for just the test cases, or do we need to repeat the code from Q1? A) Just the test cases.

General) Do we need docstrings in our functions? A: Not for this exam.

General: Can we turn our our exam and leave when we are done? A) Please wait to be dismissed. We’ll invite turnins every 10 miuutes.

Please pick up H09 and H09 after handing in your exam.

